Monday, 4 August 2008

Driving ambition

A quick word about the non-cycling members of the team. At the beginning of all this I volunteered to drive, on the basis that any attempt to cycle would end up with me in Casualty in about five minutes flat.

Some people claim that their bodies are temples. Mine's a medieval cathedral. Behold my flying buttresses.

Anyway, at the time the job of driver seemed to be an easy option. Sitting on my backside for five days, piloting a bunch of sweaty cyclists from one end of the country to the other. Hours of relative boredom, interspersed by the odd pie.

But the plan requires pin-point accuracy, timing, navigational and organisation skills. Get the changeover points wrong, for instance, and we'll never make our schedule. And I don't think our employer will be too chuffed if we're still out doing this seven days later, somehow.

This might be why no-one's volunteered to drive the other two support vehicles yet.

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