Friday 23 May 2008

A meeting

It's one thing for a couple of blokes to come up with an idea at their desks. But to put some flesh on the bones, we really needed to get some more people involved. And this meant a Friday lunchtime pub visit.

There was a number of us gathered around a table. "Do you do food?" we'd asked the somewhat under-utilised barman, to be answered in the negative. This possibly explained how we were the only people there. It being lunchtime, and all that. When we'd walked in, he'd broken into a sweat at the thought of pulling a few pints. Asking for a couple of packets of crisps caused hyperventilation.

We'd gone into the pub with Richard's Plan:
  • Some blokes
  • One bike, shared by the above-mentioned
  • A van, always moving
  • Cyclists sleeping in the van between stints
OK. So not really a "Plan". In fact, it was pointed out that this wasn't a Very Good Idea.

By the time we'd emerged into the daylight an hour later, Plan Mark II was emerging. And we were a little hungry.


Lisa said...

What a fantastic idea, and for such a good cause! Well done to you and all your brainstorming workmates.

Taking a lunch break without eating is not a good start though. Eat up boyos, sustenance and fuel aplenty is needed for this brilliant mission!

Le laquet said...

Wait ... you met to talk about a mammoth bike ride that will be stressful on your bodies, so therefore you'll need to be really fit for in the PUB!!