Monday, 28 July 2008

Gentlemen, draw your lots

This is quite important. Deciding who goes in each time. We need to consider the personal attributes of each team member. The right personal chemistry.

And, most important, whether your musical tastes match.

So we used science. OK, we actually used scraps of paper and a hat.

Team 1

Neil B
Ian H
Richard F

Driver - to be advised

Team 2

James W
Greg R
Jeremy C

Driver - to be advised

Team 3

Andy D
Tom W
Rob L

Driver - Phil S

No-one escapes - biogs will be published soon.

Monday, 14 July 2008

All the gear, no idea

We've got a good number of volunteers. Pretty close to the nine we need, actually. But all of them blokes, it has to be said. There are several reasons for this:
  • That whole "sharing a hotel room thing" was never going to be that appealing
  • Men tend to have a malfunctioning common-sense circuit
I got the cyclists to send their details in so we could keep track of things. All I got was a list of blokey nick-names together with a litany of all the gadgets they could bring; bikes, satnavs, iPhones, weird cycling gadgets involving funny shoes and drinking tubes.

This was, for some reason, hilarious to the ladies in the office.

We could well be the most well-equipped team ever to crash and burn in Cornwall after six hours.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Oh blimey..

We've had our first donation at the JustGiving Site.

Real money has been donated. Suppose we'd better crack on and do this, then.